Vision Max 20/20 High Potency Carotenoids for Vision & Macula Health & Overall Wellness, 30 Capsules



  • Scientifically-developed Doctor Recommended Brand. Complete Eye Care Formula for total and complete eye care and health. Maintain and rebuild macular pigment for visual protection and performance. Supports Eye Macula & Retina Health, helps repair damaged eye cells. May help with dry eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue, poor night vision, and eye floaters*
  • rotects retinal photoreceptors in the back of the eye that are responsible for central and peripheral vision from light oxidative damage. Healthy macular pigment reduces a key risk factor for macular degeneration (low macular pigment). Science supports that healthy macular pigment can also enhance vision including night driving, visual acuity (fine detail), light sensitivity, and contrast sensitivity, among others.*
  • Vision Max 20/20 is high potency unique formula build on Saffron, lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, astaxanthins, pine bark extract, turmeric extract nutrients recommended by the AMD experts, And, University of L’Aquila, Italy clinical Studies on Saffron and retina showing its effect on eye performance genes and slowing down the possibility of blindness, and reversing its course.*
  • Packed with high potency antioxidant carotenoids promotes eye health, cardiovascular health, boost mood. Enhance the eye ability to focus, fosters mental clarity, healthy memory and more.*
  • Made in the USA with the highest GMP standards of product integrity, and third party tested for purity and potency. It is 100% Natural , No Artificial Colorings, No Preservatives, Non GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan.